why.brussels is the official One-stop-Shop for foreign companies and investors in Brussels

Start your business in Brussels thanks to « My Welcome Package », a set of services offered by why.brussels for eligible foreign entrepreneurs wishing to propel their company onto the Brussels scene.

With our tailor-made support service, you have the possibility to benefit from a complete administrative follow-up, including on the one hand the core services – a full guidance from our experts, 3 months free in our office, access to our partners network and search for dedicated space in Brussels.

In addition to the core services, hub.brussels offers you additional services free of charge for eligible companies for a total of 30 credits to pick in a list of services facilitating the establishment in Brussels and putting you in contact with the best local consultants.

Ready to live your entrepreneurial dream in Brussels?

Send us your application now!

You are a foreign entrepreneur
and you wish to benefit from
« My Welcome package »?


Submit your application.

Core services

3 months free in our offices

Access our workspaces to start your business in the best possible conditions.

Personalized support from our experts

Ideal support from our experts to get you started

Access to the partners network platform

Find effective collaborations with our platform of local professionals

Search for space

Search for offices and half-day visit or search for a co-working space.

Premium services

« My Welcome Package » also allows you to benefit from certain additional services free of charge. As a foreign entrepreneur wishing to settle in Brussels why.brussels, provides you with 3 premium services out of 5 to be used in any way you wish.

Business creation

  • Memorandum of Association
    • Drafting of articles of association
    • Drafting of financial plan
    • Signature at the notary
  • Registration (without fees)
    • Carrefour Bank & VAT registration
    • Creation of electronic mandates
    • Publication Belgian Official Gazette

HR Support

  1. Assistance in drafting the employment contract
  2. Help in determining the salary package
  3. Identification of social contribution reductions
  4. Assistance in drafting work regulations
  5. Formalities prior to the hiring of workers (affiliation to the social secretariat, insurance, etc.)

Sustainability coaching

  • Study of the feasibility of actions to optimize the company’s TE approach
  • Implementation of tools allowing the company to pursue its approach independently

School visits

  • 1/2 preparation + 1 day visit

Home search

  • 1/2 preparation + 1 day visit

Selection criteria

Present a business plan

Credibility and viability will have been validated by the BU Expertise/Business Unit.

Include measures to promote economic transition
Demonstrate their willingness to include in their implementation project measures that promote the transition to a more environmentally and/or socially sustainable economy. This will have to appear in the business plan as well as in the result of the self-diagnosis set up by the BU Expertise/Business Unit (validation elements to be specified with June Van Veer upon her return).
Be part of one of the sectors of activity targeted by the BU invest
Determined within the framework of the three-year strategy 20-23, the targeted business sectors are: Life Sciences (Medtech, E-Health, Pharma, Biotech), Digital technologies (AI, Fintech, Proptech, Cybersecurity, Smart mobility, Big data) and Cleantech. The project will be presented to the BU clustering for possible comments.

brochure download

Fill in the form to get the My Welcome Package brochure.

Personal informations

Company informations

Company informations

What premium services would you like to benefit from? Choose up to 3 from the list below.

Thank you !
One of our Area Managers will contact you as soon as possible.