A fast growing number of foreign companies set up in Brussels to develop their …
Fintech Ecosystem In Belgium
Belgium has many strengths in the fintech field which reflects the DNA of the Belgian financial …
Belgium future European hydrogen hub
Belgium is adopting a Hydrogen Law that will regulate the transport of hydrogen through …
Brussels Houses: international window displays for Belgian talent
In February 2023, Milan will be welcoming the first Brussels House in the heart …
Brussels, future hub of night trains in Europe ?
European Sleeper: a night train linking Brussels to Berlin will start operating in May …
Brussels is now home to its own European digital innovation hub: sustAIn.brussels.
The new European Digital Expertise Hub (EDIH) is part of SustAIn.brussels and aims to promote …
9 things to know about Brussels when setting up your business
Belgium is one of the most developed countries in Europe, and Brussels is a …
hub.brussels offices in China are launching an Official WeChat Account
The hub.brussels offices in Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen are launching an Official WeChat Account! …
Brussels opens economic office in Copenhagen
Hub.brussels, the Belgian capital’s business-support agency, is opening an office in Copenhagen, Denmark, Brussels …